Petrolimex insurance for customers buying at Petrolimex service stations

Since 2007, Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) has signed a contract with Petrolimex Joint Stock Insurance Company (PJICO) –now Petrolimex Joint Stock Insurance Corporation- to have insurance coverage on public responsibility and environment pollution for Petrolimex infrastructure system.
Especially since 2013 , Petrolimex has expanded that form of insurance to the third party, that is any customer buying at Petrolimex service stations and any object affected by incidents (if any) which is directly linked to the process of production and business of Petrolimex nation wide.
This is a practical action that shows the effort and responsibility by Petrolimex toward customers, the community and the society, reconfirming Petrolimex culture i.e. Responsibility-Ethusiasm- Optimism- Confidence.
This activity will continue in years to come.