Petrolimex's journey to sustainable development
Petroleum market
in 2021

In 2021, there is signs of global economic recovery due to widespread Covid-19 vaccination. Many economies reopen with large economic stimulus packages launched. However, Covid-19 pandemic and its new variants are still barriers for economic recovery and cause serious impacts at times. In general, global oil price in 2021 keeps rising but sharply dropping at peak time of the pandemic with new virus variants; increased trend of infections from the US spreading to European countries and Asian countries in March - April 2021; appearance of Delta variant in July -August 2021 and Omicron variant in November - December 2021. In order to prevent the spread of disease, many countries-imposed lockdown measures and travel restrictions leading to a sharp drop in demand of petroleum.

In 2021, Vietnam was hardest hit by Covid-19 pandemic since its outbreak. Vietnam economy made ceaseless efforts to fight against the pandemic. There were many business and production disruptions or shifted to flexible solutions to adapt to and ensure stable activities. Facing the Covid-19 complicated developments in 2021, despite the fact that many companies suspended their operations to ensure health of laborers and maintain business and production activities later, but Petrolimex as a big firm of ensuring national energy security, made efforts in ensuring energy supply to maintain seamless essential activities and best serve practical demand of community.
The Law on Environmental Protection 2020 took effect on 01st January 2022. In 2021, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has been building guidelines on implementation of this law, Petrolimex is reviewing environmental protection system at member units to ensure full compliance with regulations and minimize environmental impacts in accordance with mechanisms on environmental protection of Petrolimex while waiting for guidelines from functional organs.
Petrolimex's key missions
2021 was the first year that Petrolimex implemented business and production plan 2021-2025. Based on primary assessment and forecast of economic situation in 2022 in general and petroleum business and production situation in particular, Petrolimex sets up 3 key missions for sustainable development goals as follows:
Mid and long-term sustainable development strategy
To implement a new mission of “improving values for shareholders, bringing benefits to employees, community; enhancing value of life; contributing to national socio-economic development”, Petrolimex will strive to become the No.1 Group of Vietnam in providing clean and environmentally friendly energy products by 2030; providing 100% of clean and environmentally friendly energy products by 2045.

Clean product strategy towards sustainable development
In the future, new and environmentally friendly energy resources will gradually replace non-renewable energy resources. Grasping this trend, Petrolimex will continue coordinating with the world's richly experienced firms to conduct R&D to bring new, advanced products to customers aligning with world's common development trend. By doing this will contribute to reduction of air pollution and development of a green economy in the future.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a gas of clean industry which is commonly used by many countries in the world. According to research, LNG produces significantly lowest emissions after burned, most of these wastes and emissions are clean wastes. Therefore, all countries are now considering LNG as an alternative energy resource now and in the future.
Petrolimex will continue to reinforce, strengthen cooperation relationships with experienced partners, strategic partners such as JXTG or other energy corporations around the world to conduct research on investment opportunities, exploitation, development of new energy products. Continue to implement all necessary procedures to coordinate with EVN to speed up progress of LNG projects in My Giang, Khanh Hoa.
New energy source from Hydrogen and eFuels
At COP26 taken place in November 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, the Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed: “Vietnam, with advantages of renewable energy, will build and implement strong solutions on greenhouse emissions reduction by our own resources with cooperation and support from international community, especially from developing countries, in terms of finance and technology transfer, including mechanisms under “Paris Agreement” in order to achieve net-zero emissions “by 2050”. In order to achieve net-zero emissions, it requires to stop all coal and gas expansion activities. It is important to replace all fossil fuels as soon as possible, meet all energy requirements by renewable energy.
Completely replace RON92 with E5; promoting bioproducts such as ethanol and diesel
On 15th December 2018, Petrolimex has completely replaced RON92 by E5 gasoline, 15 days ahead of deadline set by the Government.
E5 gasoline is biofuel including mixture of traditional gasoline and bioethanol. When burned, E5 releases lower number of toxic emissions than RON95 distilled from fossil fuels. With higher amount of oxygen than mineral gasoline, combustion occurs more completely, it can help increase capacity and reduce fuel consumption.
Besides E5 and A92 gasoline trading in the market, bio-product line can increase its presence in Petrolimex’s distribution systems, including bio-ethanol and bio-diesel. Materials used in bioethanol and biodiesel production will absorb CO2 emitted from combustion. As a result, biofuels can improve quality of air by reducing number of pollutants from the atmosphere.
Following E5, E10, E85 and A92 gasoline, A95 gasoline will be developed in roadmap set up by the Government. However, challenges for producing ethanol are using large amount of energy, exhaustion of natural resource and its negative impacts on food price. Today, domestic production of E100 is still limited and its production cost is even higher than imported ethanol.
Euro V standard RON 95 gasoline (RON 95-V)
The sale of RON 95-V gasoline is in line with Decision No. 49/2011/QD-TTg dated 01st September 2011 of the Prime Minister (Decision 49), which provides the roadmap for application of level-5 exhaust emission standards to manufactured, assembled and imported brand-new cars and motorbikes as of 1st January 2022.
According to the latest draft of National Technical Regulation QCVN 1:2021/BKHCN, RON 95-V gasoline has technical requirements (regulating lower vehicle criteria emissions) much higher than RON 95-III gasoline that are present in the market. Specifically, quality indicators to environmental health and engine performance. Regulations on lower vehicle criteria emissions enable the engine’s internal combustion process to produce less harmful pollutants, and reduce exhaust emissions and dust harmful to environmental health, prolong lifespan of engines.
To prepare for sales of this high-grade product, since early 2021, Petrolimex has built a business plan from import to storage and transport to retail locations. As trading of 0.001S-V (DO-V) product implemented since early 2018, RON 95-V must comply with stringent regulations on quality control to ensure product quality from import to delivery to customers.
DO 0.001S Euro V standard
Since early 2018, Petrolimex has launched DO 0.001S Euro V standard in the market 15 days ahead of regulations of the Government. This is the highest quality diesel fuel in Vietnam market with quality standards many times higher than commonly used diesel fuel in Vietnam. Especially, indicators of cleanliness, content of toxic emissions released to environment decreased by 50 times compared to commonly used fuels.
Because the content of sulfur is controlled at very low level (10 ppm S), the number of SOx (can cause air pollution after combusted in diesel engine) released when using DO 0.001S-V is much lower than that of DO-II (500 ppm S), DO-III (350 ppm S) and DO-IV (50 ppm S).
Apart from SOx, use of DO 0.001S-V will make significant contributions to reduction of other emissions emitted from engines such as HC, NOx, PM.
Biodiesel is biodegradable of resources, nontoxic as vegetable oil and animal fat or even recycled oil and fat from restaurants. It is especially clean and renewable. Biodiesel fuel can be blended in many concentrations (e.g., B5 up to 5% biodiesel and 95% of standard diesel) and pure biodiesel (B100).
The lack of biodiesel distribution network due to limited output, especially pure bioidiesel, makes biodiesel products more expensive than conventional diesel. Moreover, biodiesel fuel contents about 10% less energy, this means that biodiesel powered vehicles require more energy than standard diesel powered vehicles. The biggest obstacle of deploying biodiesel fuels is unstable input material for production.
Supply of FO 0.5S marine fuel
According to International Maritime Organization (IMO), from 01st January 2020, the Sulphur content of bunker fuels was reduced to 0.5% (Marpol Annex VI – Regulation 14).
In Vietnam, in compliance with Marpol, Ministry of Transportation has issued Circular No.09/2019/TT-BGTVT, standard 26/2018 dated 01st March 2019 on maritime pollution prevention system of ships which clearly specifies that all Vietnamese vessels must use maritime bunker fuels with sulfur content of less than 0.5% from 01st January 2020.
For environmental protection and climate change adaptation, from November 2019, Petrolimex has imported trial shipments with sulfur content of max 0.5%. From 01st January 2020, Petrolimex has officially supplied FO 180-0.5S and FO 380-0.5S (max sulfur content of 0.5%) to the local marine fuel market.
EV battery/charging stations
New and environmentally friendly energy resources will gradually replace non-renewable energy resources. Grasping this trend, Petrolimex will continue coordinating with the world’s richly experienced firms to conduct R&D to bring new, advanced products to customers aligning with world’s common development trend. By doing this will contribute to reduction of air pollution and development of a green economy in the future.
Based on fuel retail platform, Petrolimex will participate in energy infrastructure segment for electric vehicles. This includes battery charging and replacement stations. These stations need a development roadmap appropriate with level of EV use.
Petrolimex has set up 3 goals
Petrolimex has defined that its sustainable development path will face tough time and many more challenges due to impacts ahead when it will be impacted by changes of State mechanisms, limited space, fierce competition together with negative impacts of Covid-19 pandemic, unpredictable natural disasters, etc. causing negative impacts on the Group’s long-term development goal.
Risk management toward sustainable development
Risk management during Covid-19 Pandemic context and new normal
2021 saw a widespread of Covid-19 pandemic. Although global Covid-19 vaccination campaign has partly reduced impacts of the pandemic, but global economic recovery is still lackluster and uneven leading to global picture of unpredictable and complicated developments. Slow recovery of aviation industry plus oil price fluctuations (oil price increased from 50.67 USD/barrel since early 2021 to 85.99 USD/barrel in October and closed around 75 USD/barrel at year end) have causes challenges for business activities, risk management and growth of Petrolimex.
In Vietnam, complicated developments and rapid spread of Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in extreme measures by authorities including lock down, social distancing, national travel restrictions. Efforts in preventing the spread of the pandemic have caused negative impacts on Vietnam economic growth, reducing domestic demand of petroleum consumption, especially in Quarter II and III, 2021. These factors have contributed to complicated and extremely changing picture of Vietnam business environment in general and of petroleum downstream business in particular.
Risk identification and solutions
In order to overcome challenges and fast changes, Perolimex has relied on risk management framework and reporting system to identify, evaluate and measure various risks to minimize ad effectively manage risks faced by the Group while ensure sustainable development. Board of General Directors of the Group has closely monitored the pandemic developments, timely adjusted business strategy, flexibly operated importation activities to adapt with unpredictable changes in market demand, prevented disruptions in supply of goods and business activities.
Oil price risk
Petroleum quality management risk
Tax policy risk
Risk of failure to identify domestic market change
Risks of fire safety, environment and occupational health safety
Some achievements of sustainable development in 2021
Total revenue
Total assets
Social Security benefits
Contribution to the state budget
Profit before tax
Profit after tax
Dividend payment
Total training costs
Owners’ equity
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