Corporate Governance
to Leadership
The Board of Directors's structure
No | Member of BOD | Title | Number of shares of owned | Percentage of voting shares | Number of shares owned by related parties | Legal violation | Benefit cònlicts with Petrolimex | Related benefits with Petrolimex |
01 | Mr. Pham Van Thanh | Chairman (full time) | 295,931,241 | 22.87% | 0 | None | None | None |
02 | Mr. Dao Nam Hai | BOD Member (General Director) | 142,326,5893,000 | 11%0.0002% | 0 | None | None | None |
03 | Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son | BOD Member (Deputy General Director) | 90,571,46622,700 | 7%0.0018% | 0 | None | None | None |
04 | Mr. Le Van Huong | BOD Member Non-executive | 90,571,4666,800 | 7%0.0005% | 3,700 | None | None | None |
05 | Mr. Tran Ngoc Nam | BOD Member (Deputy General Director) | 90,571,4665,000 | 7%0.0004% | 0 | None | None | None |
06 | Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung | BOD member Non-executive | 11,100 | 0.0009% | 0 | None | None | None |
07 | Mr. Ken Kimura | BOD member Non-executive | 169,228,476 | 13.08% | 0 | None | None | None |
08 | Mr. Vo Van Quyen | Independent BOD member | 0 | 0% | 0 | None | None | None |
Mr. Pham Van Thanh
- Title
(full time) - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Dao Nam Hai
- Title
BOD Member
(General Director) - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son
- Title
BOD Member
(Deputy General Director) - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Le Van Huong
- Title
BOD member
Non-executive - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Tran Ngoc Nam
- Title
BOD member
(Deputy General Director) - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung
- Title
BOD Member
Non-executive - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Ken Kimura
- Title
BOD Member
Non-executive - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Mr. Vo Van Quyen
- Title
BOD Member - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Number of shares owned by related parties
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Representative of the State Capital
- Representative of strategic shareholder’s capital
- Individual
The Board of General Directors’s structure
No | Full name | Title | Number of shares owned | Percentage of voting shares | Legal violation | Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex | Related benefits with Petrolimex |
01 | Dao Nam Hai | BOD member, General Director | 3,000 | 0.00023% | None | None | None |
02 | Nguyen Thanh Sơn | BOD member, Deputy General Director | 22,700 | 0.00175% | None | None | None |
03 | Tran Ngoc Nam | BOD member, Deputy General Director | 5,000 | 0.00039% | None | None | None |
04 | Nguyen Van Su | Deputy General Director | 0 | 0 | None | None | None |
05 | Nguyen Quang Dung | Deputy General Director | 8,100 | 0.00063% | None | None | None |
06 | Nguyen Xuan Hung | Deputy General Director | 6,000 | 0.00046% | None | None | None |
07 | Luu Van Tuyen | Deputy General Director | 0 | 0 | None | None | None |
08 | Nguyen Sy Cuong | Deputy General Director | 0 | 0 | None | None | None |
09 | Nguyen Ba Tung | Chief Accountant | 0 | 0 | None | None | None |
Dao Nam Hai
- Title
BOD member,
General Director - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Thanh Son
- Title
BOD member,
Deputy General Director - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Tran Ngoc Nam
- Title
BOD member,
Deputy General Director - Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Van Su
- Title
Deputy General Director
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Quang Dung
- Title
Deputy General Director
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Xuan Hung
- Title
Deputy General Director
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Luu Van Tuyen
- Title
Deputy General Director
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Sy Cuong
- Title
Deputy General Director
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
Nguyen Ba Tung
- Title
Chief Accountant
- Number of shares of owned
- Percentage of voting shares
- Legal violation
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
The Supervisory Board’s structure
No | Full name | Positions | Number of shares held as 31/12/2022 (shares) | Number of shares owned by related persons till 31/12/2022 (shares) | Conflicts of interest with Petrolimex | Related benefits with Petrolimex | Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board |
01 | Dang Quang Tuan | Head of Supervisory Board | 0 | 23,700 | None | None | 26/6/2020 |
02 | Nguyen Vinh Thanh | Supervisor | 0 | 0 | None | None | 23/6/2016 |
03 | Đinh Thi Kieu Trang | Supervisor | 0 | 0 | None | None | 29/03/2022 |
04 | Hoang Mai Ninh | Supervisor | 6,820 | 15,400 | None | None | 27/04/2018 |
05 | Norimasa Kuroda | Supervisor | 0 | 169,228,476 | None | None | 29/03/2022 |
06 | Tong Van Hai | Supervisor | 1,000 | 0 | None | None | 29/03/2022 |
Dang Quang Tuan
- Title
Head of Supervisory Board
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Nguyen Vinh Thanh
- Title
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Dinh Thi Kieu Trang
- Title
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Hoang Mai Ninh
- Title
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Kuroda Norimasa
- Title
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Tong Van Hai
- Title
- Number of shares held as of 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Number of shares owned by related persions till 31/12/2022 (shares)
- Benefit conflicts with Petrolimex
- Related benefits with Petrolimex
- Starting/ending date (being a member of Supervisory Board)
Shareholder's structure
shares 23,285,846
The implementation of ASEAN scorecard and principles of corporate governance

In 2022, Petrolimex has complied with all key regulations related to corporate governance in general and governance procedures for public companies. Besides, on purpose of improving compliance with regulations on corporate governance, Petrolimex has made efforts to improve quality of corporate governance in accordance with international standards by applying and closely following up OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard and Corporate Governance Code of Best practices 2019 including:
Establish role, responsibility and commitment of BOD
BOD always acts, on the basis of full information for the highest and long-term interest s of Petrolimex, with good faith, diligence and prudence for all shareholders’ interests, paying a special attention to stakeholders ‘relevant interests of Petrolimex.
Build a competent and professional BOD
Petrolimex has been composing a professional, objective and competent BOD to ensure profit and sustainability of Petrolimex for the highest interest of shareholders and stakeholders. BOD members of Petrolimex have their diverse and appropriate expertise, perspectives and competence necessary to play the roles of driving and monitoring the Group effectively.
Ensure effective leadership and independence of BOD
BOD of Petrolimex is required to have knowledge, diversity of enterprise and professional skills. All BOD members ensure they are knowledgeable about finance, risk management and IT, legal, business management, international experience, business environment. stipulated. Independent member of BOD must be experienced, competent and capable enough to meet IFC’s criteria. The titles of Chairman of BOD and General Director are separated to strive for power balanced relationship to take more responsibilities and improve independent decision-making capacity of BOD and Board of General Directors.
Departments under BOD
BOD of Petrolimex has established 05 specialized sub-departments under BOD to assist BOD in performing its functions and prevent any conflict of interest, including: General Administration Department, HR and Remuneration Department, Audit Department, Strategy and Investment Department and Risk Management Department.
Ensure activities of BOD
BOD evaluates performance of each department under BOD y-o-y. Evaluation of each member will be reviewed by the BOD and applied in appropriate time. Allowance of BOD, Supervisory Board, Board of General Directors and Chief Accountant is publicly announced with a separate section in financial statement of the Group, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations of Resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2022.
Establish and maintain business ethics and culture
Petrolimex has issued company culture and Code of Conduct (2022), Labor Code (updated December 2020) for the whole Group to set standards for ethics, company culture, making clear of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in internal and external relations.
Create a strong risk and environmental management framework
BOD has set up criteria for selection of independent auditing company, evaluating independent audit quality and audit process to monitor implementation of recommendations by an independent auditing company. BOD has built and completed its internal control system with 3 lines of defense to protect Petrolimex’s assets, ensuring reliability of information, implementation of legal regimes and business performance of Petrolimex.
Strengthen information disclosure
Petrolimex commits complying with fair and transparent information disclosure to all shareholders and other relevant stakeholders. In 2022, Petrolimex made no violation of information disclosure.
Set up a framework for effective implementation of shareholders’ rights
Principle 9.1: Shareholders’ rights and equal treatment of all shareholders. Petrolimex recognizes and respects the rights of all shareholders, owner of the company including minority and foreign shareholders.
Principle 9.2: BOD directs to organize effective General Meeting of Shareholders. In 2022, BOD organized 02 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on online platform, complying with the applicable regulations and ensuring max rights and interests for shareholders.
Principle 9.3: BOD builds and implements a dividend policy endeavoring for fairness and consistency. Petrolimex’s dividend policy is approved by Annual General Meeting of Shareholders based on business performance of the Group y-o-y.
Principle 9.4: Transactions with stakeholders were approved and implemented in a manner that conflicts of interest are properly managed, ensuring interests of Petrolimex and shareholders.
Transactions related to the benefits of the BOD’s members are regulated in the Group’s charters and the information is published periodically in 6-month and 12- month management reports, Annual report.
Improve relevant stakeholder engagement
The Group’s business activities were implemented in principle of ensuring the highest interest of stakeholders. At the same time, in order to create favorable conditions for stakeholders to raise their voices/sue for any violation of their rights and interests, Petrolimex discloses contact information on the Group's website.

Internal control system
The Group has had its internal control system developed and gradually perfected. Principally, the internal control system is composed of three lines of defense under the following model:
First line
of defense
Second line
of defense
Third line
of defense
First line
Executive levels at the Parent Company and its member units are Petrolimex’s first line of defense. Management all processes and operations shall observe the internal control principles and the legal provisions to minimize errors arising from daily operations.
Second line
These are Petrolimex’s control on finance, quality management, process supervision, operations, and risk management.
Third line
Refers to the Internal Audit Division. The Internal Audit Division provides independent assessments of the first and second lines of defense to assist the Board of Directors and Board of General Directors in the design and the effectiveness of the Internal Control System for better corporate governance.
Structure of
Internal control system

Internal control
activities in 2022
Data are supervised, reviewed, and compared daily on the human resource management system SAP-ERP, EGAS, AGAS. Thanks to that, all three controlling levels of internal control system of the Group have promptly responded to problems and improve the quality of control activities. In 2022, the Group has conducted 49l specialized inspections and supervisions to monitor management and administration activities. inspections). The inspections and supervisions have been conducted following the procedures with well-evaluated results. After the inspections have finished, the Group has had written instructions to promptly fix backlogs. Besides, the Group has frequently reviewed the internal management regulation documents and updated in a timely manner to enhance efficiency of control activities.
Risk Management
Risk Management
The risk management process deployed at the Vietnam National Petroleum Group includes risk assessment and risk response activities, based on understanding of business environment and activities of the group, which are performed in parallel with continuous supervision, review, information exchange and consultation.

Board of Directors
The BOD takes the ultimate responsibility for the orientation and supervision of all risk management activities.
Risk Management Department
The Risk Management Department assists the BOD and together takes responsibility for supervising risk management activities across the Group in accordance with the policies and risk appetite.
General Director
The General Director takes the ultimate responsibility for the Group’s risk management, including giving direction to his management activities.
Deputy General Director of Risk Management
The Deputy General Director in charge of risk management take responsibility for the orientation of developing and performing risk management activities across the Group.
Risk Management Division
The Risk Management Division is responsible for developing and implementing risk management activities among the entire risk management department.
Audit Department
The Audit Department is responsible for independently evaluating the effectiveness of risk management processes and activities, timely providing independent assessments to the BOD on the effectiveness of risk management and control.
Report on
Risk Management
Significant risks in 2022
The global oil market in general and domestic petroleum business activities witnessed many unusual developments in 2020-2022. In order to overcome challenges and tough times, Petrolimex has relied on its risk management framework to identify, evaluate and measure various risks to give warnings and response measures, minimizing risks faced by the Group and ensuring sustainable development. In 2022, some significant risks were identified and handled by the Group including:
Inventory and oil price risks
HIGHIn 2022, the world witnessed complicated developments of global petroleum market due to impact of geopolitical instability, unstable supply, unexpected oil price fluctuation. In addition, domestic oil refinery factories maintained unstable operation causing supply uncertainties plus petroleum price control policy toward inflation control, therefore, PLX faced some risks at some times in 2022. In order to minimize above risks, PLX has proactively deployed following solutions:
(i) Proactively generate and analyze data and report to functional organs and propose adjustments and updates to bring the base price closer to reality.
(ii) The Group has quickly and flexibly negotiated with foreign suppliers to timely increase imported products.Trade. At the same time, PLX also proposed Ministry of Industry and Trade to support, direct domestic oil refineries to increase their production capacity and increase the supply amount of petroleum products to Petrolimex to meet social demands.
(iii) Strengthen workforce and goods to maintain 24/24 sales at petroleum stations under PLX at the times of high social demand.
(iv) The Group also frequently adjusts its flexible business policies, closely monitoring setup/update of sales plan, tracking sales progress and management on a daily basis
Foreign exchange risk
MEDIUMPetrolimex’s petroleum business is subject to foreign exchange risk, mainly VND/USD exchange rate related to petroleum import-export activities. The year 2022 saw a big change in VND/USD exchange rate, the domestic foreign exchange market was put under big pressures. To build up financial solutions related to foreign exchange rate, Accounting and Finance Department makes daily report on financial situation, foreign currency loan balance, foreign currency purchase. Then, it works out payment methods by comparison of cost-benefits at the time of decision marking. By the end of 2022, the net profit of exchange rate difference of Parent Company reached 270 billion VND.
Risk of petroleum quality management
MEDIUMPoor quality petroleum causes direct impacts on end-users, not only does it cause direct impacts on operation, durability of transport means but also causes harm to consumers, risk of fire. Therefore, the Group’s leaders always prioritize ensuring petroleum quality under strict supervision from importation, circulation, storage to sales. Apart from contributing opinions to construction of national petroleum standards, Petrolimex has always pioneered complying and meeting the highest standards.
Risks of fire and explosion safety, environment safety and occupation health and safety
MEDIUMIn the petroleum trading activities, fire and explosion safety, environment safety and occupational health and safety are the issues that the Group’s leaders always pay special attention. To enhance fire and explosion safety, environment safety and occupational health and safety, the Group has developed and issued a full range of technical procedures, labor regulations, regulations on entry and exit of the unit and petroleum buildings. All regulations come with detail on basic safety rules. The mentioned procedures are reviewed annually. To promptly respond to incidents, the Group has instructed the units to develop specific procedures on incident response, firefighting plans, natural prevention and rescuing plans, response to oil-spillover incident, etc. In 2021, the Group has strongly focused on investing modern equipment and technology, step by step automating, replacing manual labor and improving safety ratio. In addition, the Group has signed training cooperation programs with international organizations such as JCCP, strategic partner ENEOS (Japan) to organize training courses to improve labor safety.
Tax Risk
HIGHPetrolimex is aware that compliance with tax policies and tax risk management is extremely important to serve customers’ interests, maximizing benefits for shareholders and contributing to the State Budget. These are prerequisite conditions for sustainable development. Therefore, we always make efforts to fully comply with tax obligations to meet State’s principles of fairness, equality in taxation and establishing cooperation relations with tax departments based on mutual trust. Petrolimex has issued appropriate procedures and assigned specialized human resource to generate and update policy related changes, legal regulations on tax and provide full information to related department in a timely manner. The Group is proud of making significant contributions to local economic development through tax payment and creation of jobs for many localities nationwide.