“Petrolimex with a vision toward 2035 to become the leading energy Group in Vietnam in terms of green, clean, high quality, environmentally friendly products based on 4.0 technology platform and comprehensive digital transformation."

Pioneer in trading high quality fuel products qualifying Euro IV and V standards, including RON 95-IV gasoline, DO 0.001S-V diesel, RON 95-V gasoline, contributing to significantly reducing emissions caused by motor vehicles to the environment:
(*) Statistics of the Petroleum Member Unit
Green House Gases EMISSIONS
The scope 1 & 2 emissions within this reporting scope are calculated based on the ownership percentage of the Group at 23 facilities including 17 facilities with significant energy consumption belonging to the three largest energy-consuming units of the Group: Petrolimex Tanker Corporation (PGT), Petrolimex Transportation Services Corporation (PTC) and Petrolimex Quang Ninh.

It is a commitment of Petrolimex to fully comply with the applicable regulations and laws. There is no case of non-compliance with the law and regulations during the period of reporting that being found and sanctioned by competent authorities or stakeholders in any form.